Sunday, December 20, 2009

Check It Out ! Canoeboggin'

Ready -Set- Going -Going Over and back up again !
Well, we got the canoe out for about the second time this year but it was not because the river water level was back up (which it is by the way).
Had to wax the bottom to make it slide OK and we just couldn't pass up the chance. Yes the two of us went down a couple of times, once with the same outcome, one upright.
Joy !

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Finally Snow At Riverview Manse

There have been minor dustings over the last 3 winters that we have lived here but as I write we are in the middle of what we would term 'real snow'. Still snowing so it will be 12"-20" or so before it stops. Great snow ! we can move !
View all the snow at: