Wednesday, November 22, 2006

Uncle James and Ella Rose

Monday, November 20, 2006

Well the river came up a little...

Well, it has rained this much before but I guess the ground was saturated, maybe some obstruction downstream (?), who knows....
At noontime last Thursday the Middle River that flows through the back edge of our 2 acres was at it's normal level and by the end of the afternoon the river had come up 5 feet to just crest the bank and provide this recreational facility for some passing ducks.
All gone now, but it certainly let us know that nature and our river are on their own schedule.

Saturday, November 04, 2006

What Makes a GrandParent Joyous ??????

Ella Rose Wagner, now sitting up on her own as can be seen - will soon be visiting in Staunton VA along with her parents and her Uncle James Ashby from Colorado. The reason for the gathering will be the holiday of Thanksgiving. The reason for the gathering will indeed be - thanks-giving ! peace,..

Friday, November 03, 2006

And Now...Ta- Daaa!

It was like a great novel: there was drama, there were tears, there was sweat and danger and there was a happy ending. One man with this 12' by 24' building on a trailer showed up and 2 hours later the building was as you see it. First of all the trailer driver was amazing in his ability to place the building close and secondly we used rollers, prybars and jacks to get the building into place and back up on the blocks to level it. Whew ! Stay tuned for fencing and gates around each side of the house next. Oh yeah, if you look closely to the left of the building there is Daisy our Jack Rusell Terrier and to the right you can see some of the 64 - 2' high Leyland Cyprus tress that we put in a couple of weeks ago. peace,