Thursday, January 18, 2007

Verona Community Food Pantry

Shown here is volunteer Hunter Fauber with one of the family members of the clients of the Verona Food Pantry. The Pantry is the largest in VA and distributes food to those in need in Augusta County VA including certified USDA distribution.

In 2006 the Pantry served over 22,000 families comprised of over 66,100 individuals. To give you an idea of scale this amounts to around 100,000 pounds of food per MONTH and about 18,000 loaves of bread per MONTH. Hunter has seen the growth and need for this outreach from it's start in his garage to the vital volunteer operation that it is today. The distribution is totally volunteer run and has to PURCHASE all it's distributed food ! Let me know how YOU can support this mission with time or financial support. Thanks from the families of Augusta County VA.

Changes At River View Manse

The extended warm weather here in the Valley has allowed the springtime projects to be moved forward in time. Fencing around the house and the rebuilding/enlarging of the deck was completed just as temperatures dropped 40 degrees this week. These two projects along with setting the storage building also resulted in moving about 20 trees and shrubs to better growing locations. Margaret and I are taking a course on Landscaping for Birds and Butterflies and I'm starting to move some of the plantings to encourage bird visits on the property. Another couple of weeks and it will be time to overseed with clover and tall fescue and be mowing by the first of March. New growth, new life, same Maker and Creator.

Friday, January 12, 2007

Mt. Solon VA- January 12, 2007

St Paul Evangelical Lutheran Church in Mt. Solon VA for the last 150 years. Two wood stoves, 10 attended last Sunday, One God- the same one for the last 150 years. You can't get to the church from the south when the river is up because the road crosses the river without the aid of a bridge. The river was up so we came in from the north.
Occasion is the funeral of a beloved member who was baptised here, brought up children who were baptised here and married here, and had their children baptised here.
First Reading was from the book of Romans 8 - "For I am convinced that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor rulers, nor things present, nor things to come, nor power, nor height, nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to seperate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord."
The congregation sang "Beautiful Savior", "How Great Thou Art" and "A Mighty Fortress Is Our God" - AMEN.